About Me

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My passion is devoted to being a wonderful wife to my husband, an amazing Momma to Drake and Leigha (my Bug and Baby Bug), and the best (on site) Photographer I can be!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Where do I begin? This is my problem in every area of my life right now...What should I pack in my car first, which room should I take apart at our "old house" to move to our "new house". What if I pack something that we need before I am able to unpack it there?!
I am an organizational freak as well as a cleaning freak...these are words from my loving husband and he truly does love me through all of this! It's making me insane to not be organized right now and it's extremely hard to clean around boxes and stuff all over!
Yesterday I took most of the kids toys over and started setting up their playroom. I have the rest of the stuff for their playroom in my car now, except a few toys and books for Drake to play with until we move.
I want to start on their room but they don't have anything I can move until we really move. I can't take their beds or clothes and that's really all that will be in their room except for decorations but I'm wating to make those till things calm down.
In closing, I'm frustrated and ready to get everything over there and out of boxes and laid out so I can sort through it all and put it in it's new home :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Our Easter
We went to church then...
 Well, we were busy busy working on our house. We stopped by Josh's grandparents for a quick bite then off we went to work.
A preview of Leigha's 3 month old photo's...go to tiffanyhileman.blogspot.com for more

Leigha Bug and I before church. I made that headband the night before to match her dress. Dad didn't get the dress in the photo but on my other blog you can see the dress.

My Bug and I before church. Poor guy has a cold but still looks hot diggity dog handsome!

After working on the house we decided to come home and play in the rain. This is me putting Draker in a water puddle..."Oooo Brrr" is what he was saying haha

After the shock wore off, he LOVED splashing and getting wet

Daddy putting drake under a drip

Such a stinkin' cutie! I love moments like this...playing out in the rain with the Bug. He won't want to do this forever with Josh and I so we relish it when we get the chance!
I pray that you had an amazing Easter! Ours was wonderful :) Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by my blog! Don't forget to check out my photography blog tiffanyhileman.blogspot.com

My photo/Drake on the cover!

 am friends with the sweet, sweet, wonderful lady that does all of the design work and promotional work for Happy Heiny's Cloth Diapers. She is the one that introduced me to these amazing diapers! She gave me a hand full to photograph on Drake last year so that she could use them for promo stuff. I thought this would be a great oppertunity for me to get my photo's out there and promote myself as well as a chance to try some awesome diapers! Anyway, yesterday she surprised me with a text saying that a photo that I took of Drake in his cow hide Happy Heiny is on the cover of Baby Maternity Retailer Magazine!!! Here's a photo of the cover!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A game for YOU

Here are two photos, one is of Drake and one is of Leigha. This is them at around 3 Months old, well very close to it. Can you tell who is who??
Leave a comment and let me know your choices...at the bottom of this post go to COMMENTS then type in your comment then go to the drop menu and click GOOGLE ACCOUNT, it will send you to another page where you type in your normal email and password, even if it's not google, then it will direct you back to your comment and you have to press the button for me to get it.


Monday, April 18, 2011

And now, a word from God

Tidbits from a Bible Study that Josh and I are currently doing:
We are not on our own in this life - Thank goodness for that! I don't know what we'd do if we were "alone" in this life. Josh and I are wonderful together but without God, holy moly, it would be horrible!

God has a plan for our lives (Ephesians 2:10) - This is so true and He is constantly showing Josh and I that it's His plan and not ours that matters! This is a lesson that Josh and I are always learning, over and over again. It's a hard lesson to learn but in the end, it always turns out the way God wants and we end up seeing that His plan was way better than ours!

God loves us and wants the best for our lives. - We have such an amazing, thoughtful, loving, precious God!

Sometimes we make mistakes because we fail to consult God. - Going hand in hand with His plan is better than our plan

God guides us when we are prepared to do His will rather than insisting that our own way is right. "He guides the humble" (Psalm 25:9) and "Confides in those who respect him" (v.14)  The moment we are prepared to do His will, He begins to reveal His plans for our lives. - Holy Moly (to those of you who read my post on being poochy and not happy) Hello God, I hear you talking to me. This is exactly what i needed to hear after my poochyness!!

*I just wanted to share these things because they really spoke to Josh and I and heck, maybe it'll help ya'll out as well!*
The End.

Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts...or you can always email me at tiffanyhileman@hotmail.com

Don't forget to visit my photography blog

Sunday, April 17, 2011

ASL Letters

American Sign Language Letters
Just as with all other images on my Blog, you may order these if you'd like :)

For ASL numbers, letters made out of objects and more photo's visit my photography blog

Leave a comment and let me know you stopped by my blog!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Stinkin', No Good, Rotten Mommy Mood Day

Warning: Today this post is me rambling and being poochy...if you don't want to read it, don't, your won't hurt my feelings..promise!

Go ahead...no turning back now!

So my rant:
They delivered the house. It's sitting on our land in two pieces. Another crew has to put it together. That crew has not done so yet. I hate that it's sitting there, I can't clean it, can't paint it, can't do the hookups, can't move stuff in and organize....I hate it, I truly do! However, I realize that I am frustrated because I want this all to happen in my time and not God's...I know, I know, horrible of me but right now that's how I feel.

The Bugs: Drake is in a mean, rotten, unhappy mood today and to be truthful, it hurts my heart. Leigha is on day two of non stop crying. Not sure what's wrong with either of them..unless they are picking up on my mood and copying it. UGH!

So here we all are, in cranky, poochy, no good, stinkin', rotten' moods.

The end.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Bugs Doc Apt

The Bugs had a doc apt yesterday. Thank God for His Plan! Josh rained out and I didn't have to take them both by myself. God is good!
Drake weights 24.13lbs which is 63%
Leigha weights 10.13lbs which is 23%
Drake's height is 31in which is 25%
Leigha's height is 21 in which is 8%
Drake's head Circumference is 48 which is 77%
Leigha's head Circumference is 37 which is 18%

They asked Drake to feed the baby doll a bottle which he did without problem. I figured he'd do amazing at that since he is constantly trying to give Sis drinks of his sippys and feed her his snacks.
They also had him stack 4 blocks, when he was done he looked for more and was sad that there was only four. The nurse asked me how many he could stack and I told her that I quit counting once he could stack them as tall as he is standing. She was amazed..

They also had him pick out a bird and a dog on a paper with other animals. He did that easily and perfectly as well.

They said he's doing perfect. Makes a Momma (and Daddy) proud!

They checked Leigha Bug's head controll and they said she did perfect, advanced head control. They were happy to hear that she's cooing, smiling, frowning, pushing up, and holding her head so well.

Poor Lady Bug had to get 3 shots and 1 oral. It was HORRIBLE! The first shot made her bleed sooo much, she blead through the band aid quickly. The other two she didn't bleed as much but I had to keep blowing on her face to keep her breathing. All day the injection site from the first shot was red and swolen and I couldn't touch it without her screaming. The other sites were very sore but never puffed up or got red. She's still pretty sore today and sleeping a lot. But the swelling and redness is almost nonexistant.

The kids both went to bed early and amazingly enough Josh and I were able to watch a movie and relax without any kids. They both slept though the entire movie! It was bliss!!!! I woke Sis up to feed and change her then she fell back asleep and Josh and I took the oppertunity to get a few extra minutes of sleep.

Yesterday I packed quite a bit and today I am trying to finish up with the boxes that I have left. I'm almost out of boxes again. Josh took of the day so he could be there for the delivery. They will be at the land in a few minutes. They put it in place then another crew comes tomorrow to put it together, siding on, cap the roof, tie it down and such...then tomorrow afternoon my awesome Dad is coming down to paint it. I cannnnnoooott wait for it to be painted!! Thursday and Friday the kids and I will make a few trips from our house to our HOME with boxes and just unload them there and get more. Saturday Josh is going to work on stuff out there and I'll probably leave Drake out there with him and Leigha and I will pack the rest of the stuff and take it there and then I'll start organizing and making piles and probably go crazy ha.

We're going out there later this afternoon to check everything out. I'll be sure to take photos.
...Until Then...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Leigha's Faces

She is getting such a personality lately! She is grinnin' a lot, cooing (which is probably the sweetest sound in the world), and wigglin' all around.

This is after an attempt to roll over. She's getting so big, it amazes me and also makes me want to cry.
She is such a good baby, for the most part. She has belly problems though. Her sensitivity to milk proteins has been hard on this breastfeeding Momma! I messed up last week and accidentally ate something with Milk proteins in it...I still have no idea what it was. She's been hurting ever since. She screams and cry's and her little bum is red as a crab right now. But day by day she's getting better. I guess I ate it on Thursday because Friday was heck! I hate that I caused/am causing her so much pain. I am suppose to be the one (along with Daddy) to always make her feel better and here I am hurting her. But since all of this Josh and I have vowed to only eat things that we make and ABSOLUTELY know there has been no dairy products anywhere near it. Thank God for such an amazing and understanding husband. He's been great in making me feel like I am not a horrible person.
Today the Bug's have a doc apt so we will see how much they weigh and all of that fun stuff! I cannot wait to see how much she's grown! I'm also excited to pick the doc's brains on this whole milk allergy thing and for her to give me tips on how to manage it and such...

God Bless!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Buggy Love

When Drake gets up from his naps he always wants Sissy in his bed to hang out for a bit before he gets out of bed. He loves on her, kisses, hugs, and holds her hand when they are in there. And today I was smart and quick enough to grab the camera to catch this shot.

Sis was layin' on the couch while I was folding diapers and Drake climbed up there and laid beside her, he was havin' a blast!

Handsome man after I put Sis in bed, sooo happy! He loves her so dadgum much!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Today/ Photography Give-A-Way

First of all - over on my photography blog (tiffanyhileman.blogspot.com) I am doing a give-a-way. Go there and check it out! The reason for the give-a-way? I got a new camera, well it will be here early next week, as well as a new lens! I cannot wait for them to arrive at my door step! I'm practically dancing around I'm so excited :)

Second, today's a pretty laid back normal day for us. We're hanging out at home wishing we were outside. It's beautiful and sunny but too darn windy for Leigha to be out so inside is where we'll stay. I got two packages today (thank God for online shopping, it's amazing and wonderful!) one package was of photo's I ordered from my lab and the other was from Target (my favorite store!). I ordered Drake the CUTEST big boy bedding. When we move, next week, he's getting a big boy bed and we, okay I, wanted to get him an awesome bed set. It has frogs and turtles on it and the best part?! It has fireflys that glow in the dark!!! I cannot wait to get his bed and get their room set up :)

Other than that...I've got nothin'. We're just enjoying each other and since I got more boxes from the photo's and bedding I get to do more packing today :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Draker and Momma

Try #2 for Red Hair...and I LOVE it!! I now match my children and maybe people will stop asking me if they are mine ;)
Anyway, here's the results and some photo's of Drake and I too :)

Red enough for ya?!

Comment and let me know what you think of the color...be honest! This is NOT one of those times where you keep your mouth shut because you can't say anything nice. I want the good, the bad, and the ulgy oh oh and the beautiful

Drake lovin' on Momma

Could he be cuter?!?!

Lady Bug Leigha

Our Lady Bug is growing and getting more beautiful by the day. Although, I am quite partial ;)
Anyway, I took a few photo's of her yesterday when she was in a good mood...
I'm lovin' dressin' this little sweetheart! This outfit is something I would have wore back in the day...Poka dots, brite skirt, leg warmers, and awesome socks with bows. If Josh would allow it, I'd still dress that way ha. I'm an 80's girl at heart!

Look at those big beautiful eyes! She, along with her big brother bug, has her Dad Dad's big ole blue eyes. Did these kids get any of their looks from me?!?

And finally a good grin caught on camera :) Moments like this make me sit back and thank God that for all that I have and am able to enjoy!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Great-Great Grandma's Birthday

Saturday was My Great Grandma, Drake and Leigha's Great-Great Grandma's 94th Birthday!
We are so very blessed to still have her with us and her doing so well. She still lives on her own and does pretty much everything by herself. She is a beautiful, strong willed (Italian), amazing woman!

We also had another Birthday party to attend that day. Drake's friend Shooter turned 1! However, we only got photo's from Grandma's birthday...I know, I'm a slacker, but what do you expect when I have to breastfeed, hold, and run after two little Bugs?
Drake coloring a card for Shooter and for Grandma

There is that beautiful and special woman, oh and the cake I made her :) She loves lemon so lemon cake it was! Too bad I couldn't eat any of it, it had milk in it and Miss Leigha's milk allergy would not have thanked me.

Drake with Great-Great Grandma

One last photo for you....
Our Beautiful Blue eyed Lady Bug !!!
She's due for a photo shoot...If Dad Dad gets rained out today, you can expect photo's later :)
Don't forget to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by!