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My passion is devoted to being a wonderful wife to my husband, an amazing Momma to Drake and Leigha (my Bug and Baby Bug), and the best (on site) Photographer I can be!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Leigha Noelle Hileman

Miss Leigha Noelle Hileman was born at 6:10am on January 29, 2011 after 7 hours of labor. She weighed 5lbs 8oz (the exact same weight her Daddy weighed at birth) and is 17 1/2inches long.

I started having contractions at 11pm on January 28. Josh and I laid down, I told him to take a nap, I relaxed to get a bit of rest before they got really bad. Josh got about 10 minutes of a nap before Drake woke up needing a diaper and milk. I was in the middle of a contraction so Josh had to go tend to Drake. After that I got in the tub and tried to relax/distract myself knowing that it would be a long hard night! We called Josh's parents and they came over to stay with Drake. We got to the hospital around 1am on the 29th. When we got there I was dilated to a 4 (earlier that day I was a 3). Josh and my doula/friend Alicia Brooks were my birthing coaches. They were both amazing! Josh was so supportive, knew exactly what to say, how to hold me, how to calm me and keep me focused. I labored in the tub for the most part. I got out of the tub once I was 8cm dilated. They then broke my water and five minutes later I started pushing. I pushed for 15 minutes and then Leigha bug was born.

We were able to come home the next day and were home by noon. I was so happy to see Drake and for him to meet his Sissy. He loved her from the moment he saw her. He gave her hugs and kisses and is constantly looking for her, touching her, attempting to say her name. He is so very good with her and very concerned. Every little noise she makes he stops everything and goes to her to make sure she's okay. He's already such an amazing, loving, protective, and wonderful big brother!!

We are all doing very well :) We are so very blessed! Here are some photo's from the hospital. I will take more soon and post them as well. Enjoy!

My wonderful, supportive, loving husband!

Dad dad holding Leigha bug for the first time. He's inlove with his little Lady Bug!

My sweet girl a few hours old.
I think she may look like her Momma! Although, she also has red hair...maybe Momma will just have to dye her hair red ;)


  1. Thank you so much for allowing me to be there!

  2. She is just BEAUTIFUL!! Sounds like you had a pretty easy labor. That's always a plus! Enjoy your Wonderful Family. Children are always a blessing.

  3. chirodoula - Thank you so much for being such a wonderful support! It was such a blessing to have you as our doula!

    hileman64 - Thank you so very very much. The labor was anything but easy but I had wonderful support and made it through the best I could. I feel very blessed to have had a wonderful doula and of course to have had Josh being my support. They worked just as hard as I did and there is no way I could have managed to do it without drugs if not for those two! Yes, I will enjoy...they are wonderful, a blessing, and fill my heart up with love love love!
